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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The One n Only

Actually i missed my workmate for more than 10 years. She's very seldom on complaining about work. Hard working and senang runding about kerja. Rajin and not stuck into FB in the office. Always finish her job on time. Oh how i missed her.

My new workmate make me missed my old workmate. Sometimes (always) her smell make me headache. The smell like young teenager smell. I think the smell is like bedroom which mixed with clothes yg not been washed for fews day. She is stuck on the FB and everyday looking for the cheaper airticket. Then the groupon also everyday check. One day she bring her laptop I don't know what her motive. But who care!

Look like i'm complaining my new workmate. guess that i don't have anyone to talk to.

During this time she's on FB again....i don't mind if she on FB but the job have to finish first. At home also FB.....sigh!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Journey to Lawas, Sarawak

Last sundy went to Lawas... our journey begin from home. 

From home

Beaufort roundabout

Seen this from far only.... @ Sipitang

Checking IC @ Merapok

Lawas town

1st time went to Lawas..the road condition is good. many to see along the way. We are using 4wd and that makes our journey not really tired and enjoying the view inside vehicle. Not so many car that day... it was smooth and thanks God that nothing happen along our way.
Next time going there again will stay for 1 nite....

Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Beautiful Daily Prayer

I thank Thee, Lord, for sleep and rest,
For all the things that I love best,
Now guide me through another day,
And bless my work and bless my play.

Lord, make me strong for noble ends,
Protect and bless my loving family and friends.
Of mankind good Christians make.
All this I ask for Jesus' Sake.


Tanpa cintakasih, suatu pekerjaan lahir tanpa ada gunanya. 
Sebaliknya sesuatu yang dilakukan 
berdasarkan cinta kasih, bagaimanapun kecil dan kurang berarti usaha itu, akan sangat bernilai.

Sebab Tuhan lebih menilai keadaan batin orang yang melakukan suatu pekerjaan, daripada besarnya pekerjaan yang dilakukan.
Orang yang besar cintakasihnya, itulah yang berbuat banyak. Orang yang berbuat banyak, ialah orang yang berbuat baik.
Sedang orang yang berbuat baik itu, ialah orang yang lebih mendahulukan dan mengabdi kepada kepentingan banyak orang.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Believe and shall be heal.....

Ketika tanganku hampa, ketika tidak ada satu kebaikan pun yang bisa kupersembahkan kepada Allahku, kupersembahkan saja tangan hampaku kepada Dia yang mengasihiku.

p/s. got this from fb. 

Vacation again......

This time we went to ahhh i forgot the name already. But this place is far from town and we using 4wd to go there. Have to cross river again. I was a bit afraid during crossing the river. Luckily my husband seated beside me. Got somebody to hold to.

 Picture of me

 Wild boar

This is the river we crossed using 4wd.

My Vacation

My dream come true...at last I can have my vacation for few days.
Guess what...I go to Medan last October. Fun and scary. But average is okay.

At LCCT waiting flight to Medan

Landed safely at Polonia Airport @ Medan

Airport view

Active volacano

last picture taken at Polonia Airport